Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Create XML sitemap for Blogger manually

Create XML sitemap for blogger

How to Create XML sitemap for Blogger manually

For the beginner, I have created post How to submit sitemap in blogger and google search console, click here

So let's know what is sitemap? and why sitemap is important for websites?

The sitemap is nothing but one type of XML code that helps google bot to crawl your website and webpages, google bot is known as a spider, crawler, bot, etc. In simple language sitemap is the map of your website, A sitemap is either an XML or HTML file that contains all the URLs of the pages inside your blog. At the point when you submit an XML sitemap to Google Search Console, it encourages web search crawlers to discover every one of the URLs on your site and add it to their database.

Importance of sitemap :

The XML sitemap advises Google to crawl and records your site.

The XML sitemap discloses to Google what to crawl on your site.

The XML sitemap discloses to Google what sort of data is on your site.

The XML sitemap reveals to Google when your content was updated (which could bring benefits for your ranking).

The XML sitemap discloses to Google how regularly your content is updated.

The XML sitemap reveals to Google how significant your content is.

The XML sitemap helps your website in indexation for progressively produced pages.

The XML sitemap helps to overcome the constraints of a site with frail inner connecting.

The XML sitemap assists Google with crawl your site in a progressively compelling manner.

The XML sitemap shows Google every one of the pages on your site, regardless of whether they are profound inside and may not generally be crawl as fast.

If you want to create XML sitemap manually, I'll pursue a three-advance procedure: There are three things you need to do:

Make your XML sitemap. Add your XML sitemap to your website. Submit your XML sitemap to Google.

The procedure of creating a sitemap manually :

XML SITEMAP: where to paste this code? Click here

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Insert your site URL in the place of

when your blogging post reaches more than 500 posts so you can extend the limit of a blog post using this trick


 Using this code you can generate your blog posting limit.

1 comment:

  1. xml sitmap is best way to index your website but if we do some Search Engine Optimization Internet Marketing then we get best result.
